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kwil-admin setup init

kwil-admin setup init

The init command facilitates quick setup of an isolated Kwil node.


The init command facilitates quick setup of an isolated Kwil node on a fresh network in which that node is the single validator. This permits rapid prototyping and evaluation of Kwil functionality. An output directory can be specified using the --output-dir" flag. If no output directory is specified, the node will be initialized ./testnet.

kwil-admin setup init [flags]


# Initialize a node, with a new network, in the directory ~/.kwil-new
kwil-admin setup init -o ~/.kwild-new


      --alloc allocFlag           account=amount pairs of genesis account allocations (default map[])
-i, --block-interval duration shortest block interval in seconds (default 6s)
--chain-id string chain ID to use for the genesis file
--gas enable gas
-h, --help help for init
--join-expiry int number of blocks before a join request expires (default 14400)
-o, --output-dir string generated node parent directory (default "./.testnet")

Options inherited from parent commands

      --output string   the format for command output - either 'text' or 'json' (default "text")
-S, --silence Silence logs


  • kwil-admin setup - The setup command provides functions for creating and managing node configuration and data.