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Administration of a Running Node

The admin command is used to control a running Kwil node via its authenticated RPC service.

The subcommands share the following syntax:

kwild admin [--rpcserver RPCSERVER] [--pass ADMIN-PASS] [--authrpc-cert AUTHRPC-CERT]
[--tlskey TLSKEY] [--tlscert TLSCERT] <command> [<args>]


There are multiple ways that kwild admin may communicate with a running node:

  • UNIX socket (local file path)
  • TCP on a loopback interface (local access)
  • TCP on a routable address with TLS (for remote access)

A local UNIX socket is the default, and requires no additional setup. A loopback TCP interfaces (e.g. also requires no additional setup, but requires additional system security measures and/or password protection. Finally, a routable TCP address requires TLS setup, which is detailed below.

Restrict access to the admin service

The assumption is that the user of kwild admin is the node operator. Access must not be granted to untrusted parties.

The relevant settings in config.toml are in the [admin] section:

# Admin RPC service configuration
# enable the admin RPC service
enable = true
# address in host:port format or UNIX socket path on which the admin RPC server will listen
listen = '/tmp/kwild.socket'
# optional password for the admin service
pass = ''
# disable TLS when the listen address is not a loopback IP or UNIX socket
notls = false

With the service enabled and the listen address set, the service should be secured appropriately. The following sections describe the remaining settings.


When kwild's admin service is configured with a routable TCP address, or if the listen address is prefixed with https://, TLS is automatically enabled to secure communications. A TLS key and certificate for the node's admin RPC service are automatically generated when the node is initialized. This may be overridden with the notls setting.

When the server has TLS enabled, the RPC client used by the kwild admin commands must use the node's TLS certificate to authenticate the server on connection, regardless of the client authentication method used, which are described in the following sections. When run from the same host as the node, the client will automatically attempt to use the node's TLS certificate from kwild's root directory. If it is not accessible, or if the kwild admin command is run from a different host, the command must specify the path to the node's TLS certificate with --authrpc-cert. The certificate is found in the node's root directory as admin.cert.

Password Authentication

Any type of listen address (UNIX, loopback TCP, or remote TCP) may be combined with a password to control access. The password is set with the admin.pass setting.


When combining password authentication with a routable TCP address, a secure transport is required.

With a password set, the kwild admin command must be run with the --pass flag.

Mutual TLS Authentication

The most secure method of authentication is mutual TLS (mTLS), whereby TLS authentication is performed by both the client and the server. Typically, TLS is only used for encryption and to authenticate the server to the client; with mTLS, the server authenticates the client in the the TLS handshake as well.

Setup of mTLS is more complex as each side has their own key pair, where the client's is used to authenticate itself with the node. Thus, setup involves generating credentials for the RPC client used by the kwild admin command, and setting them as an authorized RPC client on the node.

Use of the admin command with mTLS requires the following:

  • The node's TLS (encrypted transport) certificate, specified with --authrpc-cert. For remote access, this would be retrieved from the node where it is located at ~/.kwild/admin.cert.
  • Client credentials. This is a key pair used to authenticate the kwild admin client with the RPC server on the running node. The key and certificate parts are specified to the command with the --tlskey and --tlscert flags.
  • Adding the client certificate to the node's list of allowed clients, which is located on the node machine as ~/.kwild/clients.pem.

Described below are two ways to generate and set client credentials.

Generation of Credentials on the Node

If the --autogen flag is provided, the node will generate new client credentials on start up if the file ~/.kwild/clients.pem does not exist. The generated adminclient.{cert,key} files may then be used with kwild admin commands for remote access to the node.


This approach is intended for "quickstart" workflows. The following method using the kwild admin gen-auth-key command for generation is preferred.

Generation of Credentials with gen-auth-key

The kwild admin gen-auth-key command may be used to generate new client credentials.

If kwild admin is being used on the same machine as the running node, it automatically adds the generated key to the list of authorized clients in the clients.pem file. Otherwise, the contents of the genereated adminclient.cert file must be appended to the node's clients.pem file. i.e. cat adminclient.cert >> ~/.kwild/clients.pem. Either way requires restarting the node.