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Tutorial: Creating and Joining a Network

In this tutorial, we will:

  1. Create a node and start a new network;
  2. Create a second node and configure it to join the network;
  3. Add the second node to the network as a non-validating peer;
  4. Upgrade the second node to a validator.

In order to do this tutorial, you will need to install the kwild and kwil-admin binaries, and ensure that a postgres instance is running and properly configured. See postgresql installation for setup instructions.

Creating The First Node

Creating The Node's Files

To create the node's configuration files, a new genesis.json, and a new keypair, we will use the kwil-admin tool:

kwil-admin setup init -o ./testnet/node0

The ./testnet/node0 folder will be the "root" directory for kwild that contains the configuration files, including genesis.json and config.toml.

Running The Node

To run the first node, we will need to start a properly configured PostgreSQL instance. We will use a default pre-configured image provided by Kwil, but information on the proper configuration can be found in the PostgreSQL configuration section. Once the PostgreSQL instance is running, we can start the node using the kwild binary:

# Run Postgres
docker run -d -p 5432:5432 --name kwil-postgres -e "POSTGRES_HOST_AUTH_METHOD=trust" \

# Run the node
kwild --root-dir ./testnet/node0 --app.admin-listen-addr /tmp/node0.sock 5432

The command then runs the local Kwil network, and begins producing blocks.


We override the default app.admin-listen-addr since for the purposes of this tutorial we will run two nodes on the same machine.

Getting The Node's Info

In order to allow other nodes to join, we will need to expose our node's information publicly. Other operators can then set us as a peer, and request to join the network as a validator.

To get our node's information, we can use the kwil-admin tool, specifying the UNIX socket that our admin RPC is listening on:

$ kwil-admin node status --rpcserver /tmp/node0.sock
"node": {
"chain_id": "kwil-chain-WfnGxpWd",
"name": "MacBook-Pro-7.local",
"node_id": "b624b3395f22f8cb57cf86d58cbcd6b355d12e18", # node ID
"proto_ver": 8,
"app_ver": 0,
"block_ver": 11,
"listen_addr": "tcp://", # p2p address
"rpc_addr": "tcp://"
"sync": {
"app_hash": "",
"best_block_hash": "",
"best_block_height": 0,
"best_block_time": "1969-12-31T18:00:00-06:00",
"syncing": false
"validator": {
"pubkey": "22cbbb666c26b2c1f42502df72c32de4d521138a1a2c96121d417a2f341a759c",
"power": 1

The node.node_id and node.listen_addr fields can be given to the second node as a persistent peer, in the format: node-id@p2p-address. For the above node, we would have [email protected]:26656. We change to an IP address that the second node can reach:

Creating A Second Peer Node

Using the kwil-admin tool to create the second node's directories and configs, we can specify where to find the genesis file and any peers that it should try to connect to when starting up. Since both nodes are running locally, we need to specify new addresses for the different endpoints, so that the second node does not conflict with the first node:

Ensure that you replace b624b3395f22f8cb57cf86d58cbcd6b355d12e18 with your own node's ID.

kwil-admin setup peer --root-dir ./testnet/node1 --genesis ./testnet/node0/genesis.json \
--chain.p2p.persistent-peers [email protected]:26656 \
--app.jsonrpc-listen-addr=localhost:8485 --app.admin-listen-addr=/tmp/node1.sock \
--chain.rpc.listen-addr=tcp:// --chain.p2p.listen-addr=tcp://

Start the second node to verify that it was created correctly:

# Run Postgres
docker run -d -p 5431:5432 --name kwil-postgres-1 -e "POSTGRES_HOST_AUTH_METHOD=trust" \

# Run the node
kwild --root-dir=./testnet/node1 5431

If done correctly, you should be able to see the second node's logs, and it should be able to read the network logs.

Upgrading The Second Node To A Validator

To upgrade the second node to a validator, we will use the kwil-admin tool to:

  1. Request to join the network as a validator, from the second node
  2. Approve the request, from the first node

We will use the configured UNIX socket to communicate with the nodes.

Requesting To Upgrade

To request to join from the second node:

kwil-admin validators join --rpcserver /tmp/node1.sock

To check that the request was successful, we can get a list of pending join requests:

$ kwil-admin validators list-join-requests --rpcserver /tmp/node0.sock
Pending join requests (1 approval needed):
Candidate | Power | Approvals | Expiration
a2d8e307117695c8d0d3adbda136cb2ad630c43b8672a0eba46d79501831b794 | 1 | 0 | 16728

Approving The Request

The first node must vote to approve the second node's join request. Using the kwil_admin tool, the first node can vote to approve the second node by running the kwil-admin validators approve command and passing the second node's public key:

kwil-admin validators approve a2d8e307117695c8d0d3adbda136cb2ad630c43b8672a0eba46d79501831b794 \
--rpcserver /tmp/node0.sock

If the requesting node's public key is unknown, all pending requests and their public keys can be retrieved with the kwil-admin validators list-join-requests command.

And that's it! The second node should now be a validator on the network. To verify this, we can use the kwil-admin tool to get the list of validators:

$ kwil-admin validators list --rpcserver /tmp/node0.sock
Current validator set:
0. {pubkey = 22cbbb666c26b2c1f42502df72c32de4d521138a1a2c96121d417a2f341a759c, power = 1}
1. {pubkey = a2d8e307117695c8d0d3adbda136cb2ad630c43b8672a0eba46d79501831b794, power = 1}


If you wish to reset this tutorial, you will need to stop the nodes and Postgres containers, remove the testnet directory, and remove the Postgres container:

# Stop the nodes using Ctrl+C

# Stop the Postgres containers
docker stop kwil-postgres
docker stop kwil-postgres-1

# Remove the Postgres containers
docker rm kwil-postgres
docker rm kwil-postgres-1

# Remove the testnet directory
rm -rf ./testnet


In this tutorial, we have:

  1. Created a node and started a network;
  2. Created a second node and configured it to join the network;
  3. Added the second node to the network as a non-validating peer;
  4. Upgraded the second node to a validator.