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Using the Kwil Administrative Commands

kwild provides several functions for node setup and administration that are accessible through sub-commands.

Running kwild with no arguments or the --help/-h flag will display the available commands. The available commands are summarized below.

adminAdministrative commands using the secure admin RPC service
blockLeader block execution commands
consensusFunctions for dealing with consensus update proposals
helpHelp about any command
keyTools for private key generation and inspection
migrateManagement of migration proposals
print-configPrint the node configuration
seedRun a network seeder
setupTools for creating and managing node configuration and data
snapshotSnapshot related actions
startStart the node
utilsMiscellaneous utility commands
validatorsValidator related actions
versionDisplay the application version
whitelistManage a node's peer whitelist

Many commands contain sub-commands. For example, to list the key sub-commands:

$ kwild key
The 'key' command provides subcommands for private key generation and inspection. These are the
private keys that identify the node on the network and provide validator transaction signing

kwild key [command]

Available Commands:
gen Generate a private key for validator use.
info Display information about a private key.

-h, --help help for key
--output string the format for command output - either 'text' or 'json' (default "text")

Global Flags:
-r, --root string root directory (default "/home/user/.kwild")

Use "kwild key [command] --help" for more information about a command.

To see usage of the key info sub command:

$ kwild key info -h
Display information about a private key.

The private key can either be passed as a key file path, or as a hex-encoded string.

kwild key info [flags]

# Using a key file
kwild key info --key-file ~/.kwild/nodekey.json

# Using a hex-encoded string
kwild key info 381d28cf348c9efbf7d26ea54b647e2cb646d3b98cdeec0f1053a5ff599a036a0aa381bd4aad1670a39977d5416bfac7bd060765adc58a4bb16bbbafeefbae34

-h, --help help for info
-o, --key-file string file containing the private key to display

Global Flags:
--output string the format for command output - either 'text' or 'json' (default "text")
-r, --root string root directory (default "/home/user/.kwild")

The following sections will describe each of the commands provided by kwild. Always reference the syntax and full set of options shown by appending the -h (or --help) flag to the full command in question.