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kwild migrate genesis-state

kwild migrate genesis-state

Download the genesis state corresponding to the ongoing migration.


Download the genesis state for the new network from a trusted node on the source network. The genesis state includes the genesis info file (genesis_info.json) and genesis snapshot (snapshot.sql.gz). The genesis state is saved in the root directory specified by the --out-dir flag. If there is no approved migration or if the migration has not started yet, the command will return a message indicating that there is no genesis state to download. The genesis info file includes the app hash, validators and the migration settings required to manually start the new network.

kwild migrate genesis-state [flags]


# Download the genesis state to the default output directory (~/.genesis-state)
kwild migrate genesis-state

# Download the genesis state to a custom root directory
kwild migrate genesis-state --out-dir /path/to/out/dir


      --authrpc-cert string   kwild's TLS server certificate, required for HTTPS server
-h, --help help for genesis-state
-o, --out-dir string The target directory for downloading the genesis state files. (default "~/.genesis-state")
--pass string admin server password (alternative to mTLS with tlskey/tlscert)
-s, --rpcserver string admin RPC server address (either UNIX socket path or TCP address) (default "/tmp/kwild.socket")
--tlscert string TLS client certificate file for server to authenticate us (default "auth.cert")
--tlskey string TLS client key file to establish a mTLS (authenticated) connection (default "auth.key")

Options inherited from parent commands

      --output string   the format for command output - either 'text' or 'json' (default "text")
-r, --root string root directory (default "/home/jon/.kwild")