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kwild key gen

kwild key gen

Generate a private key for validator use.


The gen command generates a private key for use by validators.

kwild key gen [<keytype>] [flags]


# Generate a new key and save it to ./priv_key
kwild key gen --key-file ./priv_key

# Generate a raw private key
kwild key gen --raw


  -h, --help              help for gen
-o, --key-file string file to which the new private key is written (stdout by default)
-R, --raw just print the private key hex without other encodings, public key, or node ID

Options inherited from parent commands

      --output string   the format for command output - either 'text' or 'json' (default "text")
-r, --root string root directory (default "/home/jon/.kwild")


  • kwild key - Tools for private key generation and inspection