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Kwil JS Overview

Below is a quick overview of how to use the Kwil JS SDK. For more detailed information, see the API Reference.


The Kwil JS SDK can be installed using npm.

npm install @kwilteam/kwil-js


Kwil has different initialization logic for Web and NodeJS


The Kwil SDK is compatible with Ethers v5 and Ethers v6.

If you do not already have Ethers installed, run:

npm install ethers
import { BrowserProvider } from 'ethers';
import { WebKwil } from '@kwilteam/kwil-js';

// to be used for funding and signing transactions
const provider = new BrowserProvider(window.ethereum)

const kwil = new WebKwil({
kwilProvider: "kwil_provider_endpoint",
chainId: "your_kwil_chain_id"

Optional Configuration

The WebKwil and NodeKwil constructors take a configuration object. The only required fields are kwilProvider and chainId; however, there are additional configuration options available:

import { WebKwil, Utils } from '@kwilteam/kwil-js';

const kwil = new WebKwil({
kwilProvider: '';
chainId: 'longhorn-2';
// optional configuration
unconfirmedNonce?: boolean; // sends transactions and returns getAccount with unconfirmed nonce, default false
timeout?: number; // timeout for requests, default 30000
logging?: boolean; // enable logging, default false
logger?: Function // custom logger, default console.log
cache?: number // ttl for cache in seconds, default is 10 minutes. 0 disables cache.

To verify you have the correct chainId, you can use the chainInfo() method.


Account Identifiers

In Kwil, accounts are identified by the signer(s) that are used on the Kwil Network. Kwil natively supports two types of signers: Secp256k1 (EVM) and ED25519.

Secp256k1 signers use Ethereum wallet addresses as account identifiers. ED25519 signers use the ED25519 public key as account identifiers.

Database Identifiers (DBID)

In Kwil, databases are identified by a 'database identifier' (sometime referred to as DBID), which is a hex encoded SHA224 Hash of the database name and public key, prepended with an x.

The account identifier can be passed as a hex-encoded string, or as Bytes (Uint8Array).

To get the DBID for an account identifier and database name, you can use the following helper method:

import { Utils } from "@kwilteam/kwil-js";

const dbid = Utils.generateDBID('account_identifier', 'database_name')


Certain operations in Kwil require signature authentication from the user (e.g. deploy database, drop database, execute CUD procedures, read procedures in private mode, etc).

To manage signing, Kwil-JS uses a KwilSigner class. Out of the box, Kwil-JS supports signers from EthersJS (v5 and v6). You can also pass a signing callback function (see below).

import { KwilSigner } from '@kwilteam/kwil-js';
import { BrowserProvider } from 'ethers';

// get ethers signer
const provider = new BrowserProvider(window.ethereum)
const signer = await provider.getSigner();

// get ethereum address
const identifier = await signer.getAddress();

// create kwil signer
const kwilSigner = new KwilSigner(signer, identifier);

Custom Signers

If you wish to sign with something other than an EtherJS signer, you may pass a callback function that accepts and returns a Uint8Array() and the enumerator for the signature type used.

Currently, Kwil supports two signature types:

Secp256k1Ethereum Wallet Address'secp256k1_ep'The Kwil Signer will use a secp256k1 elliptic curve signature, which is the same signature used in Ethereum's personal sign.
ED25519ED25519 Public Key'ed25519'The Kwil Signer will use an ED25519 signature.

To use an ed25519 signature:

import nacl from "tweetnacl";
import { KwilSigner } from "@kwilteam/kwil-js";

// create keypair and signer
const keys = nacl.sign.keyPair();
const customSigner = (msg) => nacl.sign.detached(msg, keys.secretKey);

const kwilSigner = new KwilSigner(customSigner, keys.publicKey, "ed25519");

Database Queries

Create, Update, Delete (CUD) Procedures

Any procedure that executes a CUD operation must be signed and broadcasted to the network through the kwil.execute() method.

.execute() takes an object that matches the ActionBody interface. Action body has two required fields: dbid and name. You can also optionally add an inputs field if the procedure requires inputs, and a description field to customize the signature message that the user will sign.

// construct action body
const body = {
name: "your_action_name",
inputs: [{
$input_name_1: "input_value_1",
$input_name_2: ...
description: "Click sign to execute the procedure!",

// pass action body and signer to execute method
const res = await kwil.execute(body, kwilSigner);

/* = {
tx_hash: "hash",

Reading Data

To read data on Kwil, you can (1) execute a view procedure message or (2) query with the .selectQuery() method.

View Procedure Message

View procedures are read-only procedures that can be used to query data without having to wait for a transaction to be mined on Kwil.

Only one input object is allowed in the inputs array for view procedures.

const body = {
name: "your_procedure_name",
inputs: [{ // only one input object is allowed
$input_name_1: "input_value_1",
$input_name_2: ...

// pass action body to execute method
const res = await;

/* = {
result: [ query results ],

If the view procedure uses a @caller contextual variable, you should also pass the kwilSigner to the method. This will allow the view procedure to access the caller's account identifier. The user does not need to sign for view procedures.

await, kwilSigner)

Select Query

const dbid = kwil.getDBID("account_identifier", "database_name");
const res = await kwil.selectQuery(dbid, "SELECT * FROM users");

/* = [

Network Info

Get Chain Info

Returns the chain id, latest block height, and latest block hash for the Kwil chain you are connected to.

const res = await kwil.chainInfo()

/* = {
chainId: "your_chain_id",
blockHeight: "latest_block_height",
blockHash: "latest_block_hash"

List Databases

Returns all database on a network. If an account identifier is passed, it will return all databases owned by that account.

const res = await kwil.listDatabases("account_identifier (optional)");
// = ["db1", "db2", "db3"]

Get Schema

import { Utils } from "@kwilteam/kwil-js";

const dbid = Utils.generateDBID("account_identifier", "database_name");
const schema = await kwil.getSchema(dbid);

/* = {
owner: Uint8Array,
name: "database_name",
tables: [ tableObject1, tableObject2, tableObject3 ],
actions: [ action1, action2, action3 ],
extensions: [ extension1, extension2 ]

Get Account Info

Returns the balance and nonce of a public key.

const res = await kwil.getAccount("account_identifier")

/* = {
identifier: Uint8Array,
balance: "some_balance",
nonce: "some_nonce"

Read Access Control

Private Mode

Private RPC is a server-side configuration in kwild that enforces user authentication for each call request. Learn more about private mode here.

const body: ActionBody = {
name: 'your_action_name',
inputs: [{
$input_name_1: 'input_value_1',
$input_name_2: ...

// pass body AND kwilSigner if in Private Mode
const res = await, kwilSigner);

Kwil Gateway Authentication

Kwil Gateway is an optional service on Kwil networks that allows for authenticating users with their signatures for read queries / view procedures. Learn more about the Kwil Gateway here.


Advanced read access control is under development. Please check back soon for updates.


The Kwil Gateway is in private beta. If you would like access, please contact our team.

// pass KwilSigner to the call method
const res = await, kwilSigner);

/* = {
result: [ query results ],

Gateway logout

To log out of the Kwil Gateway, you can call the kwil.auth.logoutKGW() method. This is useful if you want to switch accounts or remove the authentication cookie.

await kwil.auth.logoutKGW();

For advanced authentication usage, see read access control advanced usage.


Advanced read access control is under development. Please check back soon for updates.