kwil-cli query
kwil-cli query
Execute a SELECT statement against the database
Execute a SELECT statement against the database.
This command executes a SELECT statement against the database and formats the results in a table. It can only be used to execute SELECT statements, and cannot be used with any other type of SQL statement. If you need to execute a SQL statement that modifies the database, use the 'exec-sql' command.
It is not required to have a private key configured, unless the RPC you are calling is in private mode, or you are talking to Kwil Gateway.
kwil-cli query [flags]
# Execute a simple SELECT statement
kwil-cli query "SELECT * FROM my_table"
# Execute a SELECT statement with a named parameter
kwil-cli query "SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE id = $id" --param id:int=1
--gateway-auth signals that the call is being made to a gateway and should be authenticated with the private key
-h, --help help for query
--max-row-width int Set the maximum width of the row. Text beyond this width will be truncated.
-p, --param stringArray named parameters that will be used in the query. format: "key:type=value"
--row-border Show border lines between rows.
--rpc-auth signals that the call is being made to a kwil node and should be authenticated with the private key
-s, --stmt string the SELECT statement to execute
-w, --width int Set the width of the table columns. Text beyond this width will be wrapped.
Options inherited from parent commands
-Y, --assume-yes Assume yes for all prompts
--chain-id string the expected/intended Kwil Chain ID
-c, --config string the path to the Kwil CLI persistent global settings file (default "/Users/brennanlamey/.kwil-cli/config.json")
--output string the format for command output - either 'text' or 'json' (default "text")
--private-key string the private key of the wallet that will be used for signing
--provider string the Kwil provider RPC endpoint (default "")
-S, --silence Silence logs
- kwil-cli - Command line interface client for using Kwil.