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Extensions in Kwil allow you to extend the language with new features. This can be as simple as adding new functions, or as complex as bridging tokens from a blockchain into your database. This guide does not cover how to implement extensions, but rather how to use them. To learn how to implement extensions, see the Extensions Guide.

Using Extensions

To use an extension, use the USE statement. The USE statement references the extension's name (defined in the extension's implementation), and can optionally pass a set of options. The extension can then be aliased to a name, which can be used to reference this specific instance of the extension. The USE statement will create a namespace of the same name as the alias.

USE extension_name [{
option_name: option_value,
}] AS alias;

Similarly, you can use the UNUSE statement to remove the extension:

UNUSE alias;

For example, if we are using a hypothetical extension hashing, we might use it like this:

USE hashing {
algorithm: "sha256"
} AS sha256;

This will create a namespace called sha256 that contains the extension's functions. Any methods defined on the extension can now be called within an action. Let's assume that the hashing extension has a method hash that hashes a string:

CREATE ACTION use_hashing() public {
$hash = sha256.hash("hello world");

Extension methods cannot be called within SQL statements. They can only be called within an action's body. For example, the following action is invalid:

CREATE ACTION use_hashing() public {
-- this will fail, because the extension method cannot be called in a SQL statement
SELECT * FROM table WHERE column = sha256.hash("hello world");

Instead, you must call the extension method within an action:

CREATE ACTION use_hashing() public {
$hash = sha256.hash("hello world");
SELECT * FROM table WHERE column = $hash;