Kwil provides utilities for altering core network state from within extensions. With a database connection, you can use these utilities to get user balances,
transfer tokens, update validator power, and more. These are accessed in the github.com/kwilteam/kwil-db/common/functions
package. For example, to credit
an Ethereum address with 100 tokens, you can use the Credit
package main
import (
func someExtensionFunction(ctx context.Context, db sql.DB) error {
// Ethereum address to credit
address := common.HexToAddress("0xB7E2d6DABaf3B0038cFAaf09688Fa104f4409697")
// Credit an account with 100 tokens
err := functions.Accounts.Credit(ctx, db, address.Bytes(), big.NewInt(100))
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
Credit an account with a given amount of tokens.
func Credit(ctx context.Context, db sql.DB, account []byte, amount *big.Int) error
Transfer tokens from one account to another.
func Transfer(ctx context.Context, db sql.DB, from, to []byte, amount *big.Int) error
Get the balance and nonce of an account.
func GetAccount(ctx context.Context, db sql.DB, account []byte) (*types.Account, error)
Get the power of a validator.
func GetValidatorPower(ctx context.Context, db sql.DB, account []byte) (*big.Int, error)
Get a list of all validators and their powers.
func GetValidators(ctx context.Context, db sql.DB) ([]*types.Validator, error)
Set the power of a validator. If the account is not a validator, it will be added to the validator set. If the power is set to 0, the account will be removed from the validator set.
func SetValidatorPower(ctx context.Context, db sql.DB, account []byte, power int64) error