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kwil-cli database drop

kwil-cli database drop

Drops a database from the connected network.


Drops a database from the connected network.

The drop coommand will drop a database schema, and all of its data, from the connected network. This will only work if the wallet address that signs the transaction is the owner of the database.

Drop takes one argument: the name of the database to drop.

kwil-cli database drop <db_name> [flags]


# Drop a database deployed by the current wallet named "mydb"
kwil-cli database drop mydb


  -h, --help        help for drop
-N, --nonce int nonce override (-1 means request from server) (default -1)
--sync synchronous broadcast (wait for it to be included in a block)

Options inherited from parent commands

  -Y, --assume-yes           Assume yes for all prompts
--chain-id string the expected/intended Kwil Chain ID
--config string the path to the Kwil CLI persistent global settings file (default "/Users/brennanlamey/.kwil-cli/config.json")
--output string the format for command output - either 'text' or 'json' (default "text")
--private-key string the private key of the wallet that will be used for signing
--provider string the Kwil provider RPC endpoint (default "")
-S, --silence Silence logs


  • kwil-cli database - The database command is a parent command containing subcommands for interacting with databases.